August 18, 2008

The floppy boots WIN!!

So instead of sending an update to the flag site.
I decided to first put the new legs and re-topologized buttocks here. ...and i am sick of retoping.

I admit it... I went over board on the base poly sculpting some might say way over.

Old habits die hard...but least I'm present to the issue; try to meet it half way.
I like actually having some polygonal depth in the base if the model spec can afford it.
In the end you wind up rebuilding for the game model anyways.
this guy is getting rapid prototyped so i have a bit more leeway.

ah well theres that master vs knowing a software concept in full effect. Still.... I'm pretty happy with it :)

Talk about Full effect?!....
The resident evil 5 Character models are a great mix of actual polygons vs normals for in game characters

seems the crowd is more reliant on normals for detail; and it makes sense; dozens of them can appear on screen at once.

Still .., the separation of skin from cloth on the woman is a nice touch.

On beauty renders (i prefer mental ray or V ray)...
sub surface skin shaders and displacement maps can get you stunning results. favorite UVW unwrapping....all i can say is thank god for pelt mapping.
hmm i see a video coming in the future.

1 comment:

tiffannysketchbook said...

nice ass, wolvie!! :)

good modeling, clean meshes. clean meshes make it easier to skin. good, good.