August 13, 2008

I finally got a head mask i was happy with about the basics... Reference...good old reference.
get as much Ref as you can and don't follow any one Ref to an exact... it's not good for the psyche and it can get you into trouble.
AFTER i had the right reference the entire head build took less than 45 mins.
heres the Video...sped up obviously.
For a cleaner / larger version of this VID hit up my Portfolio site

After revisiting Stephen Stahlburg's Android blues it had been a while since i had visited there so it was a blast to go down memory lane. I pretty much worshiped this guy for years; the man really knows his stuff.... if he doesn't know it, it's not worth knowing.

but i get away from myself....

So there was a quote he had that spoke volumes to me in regards to"learning software".

It's easy to learn the software (an hour here, two hours there ...At the den.
But it's another thing altogether to use it in a creative fashion and be great at it.
That only comes with "thousands of hours production practice" which can't get great at a tool unless you can spend all day with it.

...damn was the first sensible thing I'd heard all day.

With that said ... I still find myself going to bed at 3:30 and 4 am learning new things.
I guess it's all in what you want . helps to have a wife that understands. :)

off to sleep then off to see my breakaway fate.

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