My head feels like it's been run over with a numb bat and more importantly... the start of the animation page is up :)
OMG....that little bit took frigging FOREVAH..I never thought it'd get done...GAWK!!! eyes...they sting.
All that ...and It doesn't look like theres much there yet .... So far there are 3 subjects. Each one contains a number of moves. i have one more to post but im sick of watching renders.
I'd rather be poly sculpting and z-bruhing.
The numb feeling i have is from of working on three to three anna half hours of sleep for the past 5 nights in a row. my boss has been so Cool about it it's not even funny.
Oh And it's my anniversary weekend!! :) YoOOotters!!
The first year? and chocolate..26 dollar chocolate? got damn!..26 dollars??
I hope she likes the stuff........
The effort it took to get the renders and compressions to play nice was a monumental task in tedium (more on that later) and Olympian wheel spinning... talk about feeling like going nowhere fast.
And here I was thinking the HTML and Dreamweaver learning curve was gonna be the bloody problem.
The medium guard was the latest of the pack and my job at Breakaway quickly became one of a Lead key framer. Which is fine because i still had to model, UV and Rig each character, So I welcomed the help with a little under 3 months time to get it all done.
A majority of the animations were given the Beauty pass through our contractors as I was the only animator on the project.
We had 6 to 7 scheduled characters to build; each had no less than 60 animations a piece. We also needed to create & technically solve for props and effects conundrums that had plagued our Gambryo experience from the get go.
but now i digress..... i need a good bottle of WINE
and some steely dan
Oh yeah and this weekend we have the three year old for a weekend visit.
No rest for the weary.
I'll post my next 3d model concept in a few ....ah screw it it is.
I'll comment and post wires later.
the original came from this.
For color Im thinking a pumpkin head like texture with some glowing sigils, and maybe a pair of horns...dunno yet...but it definitely uses magic.
But right now Evil chicken dinner screams to mind.
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