November 22, 2008

heres another sidevconcept i wanna d8 now if i can just stop drawing from the side all the time...gotta break outof this
here are some concepts for a unnamed title i am working on.


tiffannysketchbook said...

hey i like the butcher! really creepy :D Reminds me of the chainsaw guy in RE4.

Micah Betts said...

Good stuff Walt, glad to see you posting updates on your work again!

So since you've picked up Mudbox 2009, I'm guessing ZBrush is playing second fiddle these days?

Walt Cart said...

Hey micah:)
lol actually i'm trying to unlearn zbrush ...
seems zbrush works better on my pc tablet and i just got used to it....go figure! but yes mudbox 09 is nice tool.